TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

School Memories

Over my 13 years of school, my classmates and I have made many memories and our graduation will add onto the list. Some of these memories are more funnier than others, and some are more meaningful. These range from middle school lunches, times in the locker room,  football practice and learning valuable lessons. Here’s a list of memories and lessons that will stick with me for a lifetime.

Lunchtime and middle school recess made some good memories that I’ll keep for a long time. I’ll remember moments like watching one of my friends rub bread crust along the plastic slide as he went down, then eating it after, only because he was dared to. Or kicking around wood chips on the playground to find a week old banana peel someone buried for fun. Or putting five kids on one side of the seesaw and putting the skinniest kid we could find on the other end, just to see how high we could launch them. Another memorable moment would be when one of my friends threw his lunchbox around before lunch, then opened it to a shattered glass container and ravioli everywhere. When recess started he set his lunchbox down on the grass and forgot to bring it back inside. The next day a blizzard hit and everything froze over, including the lunchbox stuck in the ground, under the snow.  A more recent lunchtime memory that I’ll always keep is mixing food in the cafeteria together to make the most vile daily “soups” to post on Instagram.

The more meaningful memories all happened during high school, especially playing sports and building friendships. I’ll always remember seeing the look on some of the upperclassmen’s faces when they were told that our football season was over due to covid. This taught me that you should never take things for granted because they could disappear in an instant, so make the most out of the time you are given. I’ll also always have memories of these same kids making a slip and slide with soap in the showers of the locker room for fun. Moments like before practices and during warmups will always stick with me too, joking around and sometimes getting the coaches to join in. I’ll also always laugh at the mental image of watching underclassmen attempt to do a stretch in a squat position and see them fall onto their backs as the grass they are holding themselves up with rips out of the ground.

Looking back on all these moments has taught me to cherish what I have right now because time goes by fast. This list of moments might differ a lot from yours, but school has given us opportunities to create these experiences that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Some of these moments and lessons I learned I can pass down to my children, but they will never hear about the slip and slide in the showers of the locker room.

The Amazing Spiderman Lunchbox: Contains Phthalates 27x Limit Set by Federal Ban” by CHEJ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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