TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Personality Test

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”(Duke Ellington), this is an optimistic and go getter thought, however I disagree. You see if there’s a problem then of course you need to do something, but from here on out what you do is dictated by what type of person you are. Truthfully some people may decide to ignore it, others may see nothing wrong with it, but Duke Ellington looks at it as an opportunity to test the limits of what he can achieve by helping to solve it. Actually though I feel like he’s not quite right, a problem is more accurately a choice to show what type of person you are.
Now I do get why he thinks the way he does though, he’s a famous entertainer who loves his craft after all. As such it only stands to reason that he’s only made it that far by doing his best, consequently however he’s also locked himself into a set path thus showing that infact, problems do not create opportunities. However inorder to make it big you need to do more than to just your best, you also need talent, connections, skills, etc. As such, while what he said isn’t exactly wrong, it isn’t exactly right either as it won’t have the same degree of results for everybody.
Chance, luck, these things can matter most of all when faced with a problem, and they can stop you from doing your best. After all Duke Ellington built his reputation by doing his utmost when confronted with a problem, however others who do similar don’t reach such hights as well. My case of proof is every, or several in any case, small indie bands who make great music but remain in obscurity. Yes, quality varies, but art is subjective and this is illustrated by musicians and singers who make bad music whether they do their best or not.
To dismiss Duke Ellington’s claim as false would wrong, but pushing it as true isn’t right either. With how I think I feel that problems present a more of an all around opportunity then just one to do your best. And so when it all boils down, problems work as a personality test, they give you a opportunity to see how you act as it won’t always be your best. And with such I ask a closing question, do you agree with me that problems present more of an all around opportunity rather than just one to do your best due to how it varies depending on you and the situation your in?

l´unic problema ( El cami de les estrelles ) – the only problem ( the saint jacques way )” by Jordi@photos is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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