TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Communications in Other Ways

Whether a person texts or calls is completely up to personal preference. Some people prefer to text and some people prefer to call. It depends on how comfortable they are with using the phones differently. Commonly, people of an older age might be more prone to calling over texting, because of the knowledge they have of electronics. The opposite goes for teenagers. Teenagers might be more prone to texting over calling. This could be personal preference, or it’s just easier to send a quick text instead of taking time to call and communicate at the same time.

Being in a long-distance relationship itself is a challenging thing. Each person longs to be able to spend quality time with their significant other, but they aren’t able to because of the circumstances or the distance. I am in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend and texting versus calling tends to come up a lot. Through my relationship with long distance, I have found that texting is best for small things. This can include a quick question, or just a hello to see how the other one is doing, but calling is for real conversations. When people are texting they don’t know the emotion that the other person is giving off. They can get hints at it through the language that is being used, but that doesn’t mean they will be able to understand how the other is feeling. Calling is better for this circumstance because you can hear the emotion in the person’s voice, and the same goes for FaceTiming. When FaceTiming, the person can show expression on their face, and it is the closest someone will be able to get to the person while they’re away. Along with this, in long-distance relationships, it’s important to communicate and talk about topics that might be difficult to talk about. Texting about these things can cause problems because the other person might not be able to understand how the other is feeling about the conversation, and things could turn bad very fast.

In our new generation texting has become a commonly used way of contacting people within a work environment. It is common to get a text from the boss or head of a job and reply with a text back. Calling has become less used in the work environment because people can shoot a quick text and then when the person sees it they can respond. This is useful because it allows people to communicate, but that doesn’t mean it has to be at the same time. Sending a text means the person will be able to see and respond to it when they have a free second, whereas with a call they would have to stop what they are doing to answer and talk.

I think that both texting and calling are beneficial things. They are a common practice that is used today both in the workplace and outside of it. With this being said I think it is important to use texting for quick conversation or conversations that can be brought back up at a later time. With this being said I also think that calling is a more meaningful way of communicating. People can use calling with people who they can physically be around but can still talk to them and hear their voices. In conclusion, I feel that people would choose to call over text so they can have a closer conversation with the person and be able to feel closer to them in times of separation.

text message from my son” by k4dordy is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

“The distance maybe far and wide but my heart can cover them all. The space between us is so much more but you should know that I love you so!” – Linda Roy” by brightdrops is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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