TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

I hate being busy, but can’t stand being bored

I remember free time; it was a special commodity that only becomes rare as you get older. I used to have tons of it, I had so much, I hated it. I sought out something to replace it. When I turned four, I was placed into a program called preschool, which traded free time for education. I was over joyed, I finally was able to rid myself of this all-encompassing free time.

“If I had utilized free time for its full potential it would have never really been free time.”

Soon after my free time soon started to disappear, but at a rate that I did not notice.  For most of grade school, I had more free time than I knew what to do with. I would go home and just spent hours sitting in front of TV, not realizing how scarce the free time would become, and how much I would miss it as I got older. Then high school came. Freshmen year was very similar to grade school, little homework, but slowly my free time was replaced with worry time. Worry time is the time I sat not doing work,  but worried about how little  was accomplishing. The start second semester of Junior year finally signaled the turning point in which free time was outweighed by work time, and what was left over was reserved for worry time.  With the advent of senior year, a job came. Then even my worry time was being taken away.

Sometimes I lay down in my bed, late at night thinking about when I was a kid, all the free time I had, and how much of it I squandered. But then I realize I was glad as a kid that I wasted it, because if I had utilized it for its full potential it would have never really been free time.

Featured Image: “Business People with Clocks” Microsoft Clip Art Image used by permission according to license.


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