TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Laughing with friends always helps, whether you aren’t feeling well physically or mentally laughing with someone about something random or a joke can always help bring your mood up. I could be having a rough day and not really want to do anything, but my friends always know how to cheer me up. Field hockey practices always helped with this.

I was already stressed about school, I failed my math test that I had studied for, I had gotten into an argument with my parents when I got home from school. On top of that, my work didn’t process my paycheck for that week, and I had stuff to pay for that day for my car, it was multiple things on top of each other that day that had just made me in an awful mood. I knew I had practice and was dreading going because I was having a bad day. I got to my school for practice and my teammates, Adelle and Brianna could tell I was a little off the second I had gotten there. But they immediately started making jokes and messing with me and throwing stuff, just being their goofy selves. It made my day much better than before.

We had a big game the next day so I knew practice was going to be tough. Even though our coaches were being hard on us and it was frustrating, having Brianna and Adelle in such good moods really helped my stressors go away for those two hours practicing with them. I remember we were doing circuits and drill stations to work on different skills that we would use in practice the next day. Bri, Dell, and I were at the “post drill” (one teammate brings the ball to the stroke and passes it to one of the other girls on the post.) Brianna had passed it in the complete opposite direction of Adelle and me, she lifted the ball in the process and it went way over the fence. Brianna just busted out laughing and that made Adelle and I laugh. We sat there laughing for a good three or four minutes just crying and laughing hysterically.

I noticed I had completely forgotten about all the things that had stressed me out that day and was just laughing with my teammates. Field hockey was my escape from my everyday stresses in life. Even though we knew we had a big game the next day we were able to lighten the mood for the whole team in the end just by laughing at a goofy mistake Bri made. If I hadn’t had had field hockey practice that evening I would have most likely been in a bad mood the rest of the night. Sometimes just laughing with friends can help you keep a positive mindset and make your day just a little better.

“File:RIAN archive 556180 Women’s field hockey team from Zimbabwe.jpg” by Vitaliy Saveliev / Виталий Савельев is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0


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