TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Once in a Lifetime yo!

American jazz legend Duke Ellington said, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best”, I can say from personal experience I agree. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spanned the globe creating grief and isolation, though many new opportunities were granted in this time of confusion. Depending on their occupation, many workers were home during a national shut-down, so this opened up days full of boredom.

Yet boredom led to opportunities for exercise, house renovating, cleaning, artwork, and reading. Opportunities that people were not exposed to before with their busy schedules. For me personally, this gave me an opportunity to focus on exercise and progress in my fitness. I worked out in my house every day, even through zoom class calls. With all of this extra time on my hands, it allowed me to focus on myself and develop personal growth.

As the football season was canceled with all other activities and sports, the golf course in my background enabled me to have some time to find a passion for golf. This may seem surprising but before this opportunity, I wasn’t much of a golfer.

Through it all, I am thankful for this opportunity because I learned a lot more about myself and my passions. I believe that problems truly offer opportunities, as Eminem once said “Opportunities Come Once in a Lifetime YO!”.

EMINEM rapping” by Scott Kinmartin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.Copy text


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