TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Social Dividence

Social media has become extreamly popular throught that last couple of years. It has grown not only as a stay connected with relatives plateform but a also a dating area or a area to also make a business. I can understand why people may not like social media but Personally It has far more positives to it than negatives.

As Social media has been growing there have been many problems to come up when it comes to your safty but there have also been a lot of solutions to fix the such problems. By usuing social media depending specifically on what you use yes you do put yourself out to the world for anyone to see, but you don’t really need to. A lot of the plateforms dont require you to post anything and this is actully a very nice thing especially for people that may worry about such a peoblem. Thus brings me to my first pointwhich is you can stay in tuch with relatives or sother people through social media very well. You can also see what adventure there on if they choose to share that with people and so on. Knowing this kinda thing can be great it could maybe open your eyes to trying something new you didn’t know about or maybe relise you are close to a friend then you thought you were and you could meet up. All better reasons to join social media.

Social media can also be very usful for a business. Especially right now social media is the biggest and best way to get your buisness seen by many people in a farly short time. There isn’t much negative to this aspect besides maybe getting tired of seeing ads but this could also be a very good thing for you. You may find things you never knew you needed till seeing a ad on it while you were just seeing what adventures people were on.

My last point that I am providing you with is that it can also be a great way to find new people on dating apps or find new people with somthing your interested in like reddit. Weither these new people could be a new partner or just a new friends social media is a great way to connect with people. You can connect with people through hobbies you like or you can also connect with people by setting up dates. Now yes there is always a risk that the person you think you are talking to isn’t actully who they are but it is also very hard to do something like that without the other person figuring it out so you should have no problem deciphering if someone is truly them or not.

On conclusing I feel as if social medie is the new best thing you could join for many reason such as stay up to date on what your friends and family are doing, to find new people, and also to learn more about companie or products.

Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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