TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What’s the worst social media can do ?

Social Media can be used for many things, either good or bad. In this world we started with phones on wires and non-transportable. With cell phones now you never see anyone without one. Someone is always on the phone or playing a video game, texting someone. They are the new hypnotization. The average relationship can be ruined in seconds by a single look at a cell phone. Back in the day there was no cheating on a cell phone, the cell phone is a distraction to life and everyone’s well-being.

In my opinion, the cell phone is a disease that is continuing to get worse and worse every day. Everybody wants to be a social media influencer, while some are interesting and useful most are ridiculous and mind controlling. From what I have experienced with social media and cell phones nowadays is that kids are lazy, they rely on the internet for learning use and it is one of the biggest reasons for relationships to end. Social media and cell phones have put us in a new world that is ruining human decency.

Teenagers have changed drastically in time from the early 2000’s to now (2024). Social media is a gateway for them to get away with what they want. Bullying people online has always been a huge problem since cell phones have been created. Spending too much time on the cell phone or any electronic is not good for the eyes, body, brain. Cell phones have become an overall issue in the entire world since being created.

Another reason social media and cell phones are and issue in the world today is because of being able to cheat on your partner so easily. There are so many things to hide one a cell phone and so many ways. There are so many hidden apps on the internet that cheating has been normalized. Cheating is so normalized that woman started normalizing the phrase “Hey girl soo”. No girl wants to get that text.

Cell phones give people the illusion of a better lifestyle that they can’t look at what they have in front of them. Cell phones are a huge downfall towards the newest generation.

The newest generation arriving is a chance to have better people. These kids are so stuck on video games and social media that they disrespect their parents and walk all over them. They have a harder time in school and doing their schoolwork by getting distracted by cell phones or ipads. Schools are giving too much screen time and online work. When we should be teaching kids early on and helping them learn hands on kids should be wanting to go outside and play and go make friends, Instead they sit inside and make friends on a screen. Schools have a big take on social network.

Schools have leaned on learning through online work. While some teachers prefer to use books and teach through books, most if not all assignments are due online. Teachers will sit there and say no phones in class but in my opinion, laptops are the same distraction when needing to get work done. Laptops and ipads are a huge part into the schooling systems now often. They are expensive, which is why some schools can’t afford them. There are many reasons why schools use online work now, but paper, pencil, and a book never did any harm either. Social network and cell phones have become the new world and I think it’s going to get worse.

Although cell phones and social media aren’t always great, they aren’t always bad either. In many different ways cell phones can do a lot of good. In case of an emergency a cell phone can prevent so much. Helpers on the other end are always available and the emergency button is usually visible. Social media can bring light in life as well. There is go fund me pages and petitions all over the internet for good causes to help the world and people in need out. Sometimes it may be a close friend or family member in need and they are far away, online sources can give access to them. Social media and cell phones have good use to them it just depends on who is going to abuse their power to have one.

Back too my opinion where I stated the cell phone and social network is a disease, it is and it’s going to get worse. With newer brains and brighter scientist, the technology world is only going to progress through years. The schooling system is going to get rougher and more changes. Online use and new generations I hope learn from history and bring old ways back. Teenagers will always be teenagers as they grow up they will mature and realize the time waisted. Social media will forever continue to grow, Maybe in better ways and maybe for worse.

Hand holding piece of jigsaw puzzle with word social & media” by wuestenigel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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