TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Preparing early

As a senior in high school, I have a lot on my plate. I have to make sure I get good grades to graduate and have to choose a career path, which is a lot if you are not prepared early on. I wish I had prepared way earlier than a senior. We should be starting to figure out our career path during our Freshman year. We should be starting earlier because it helps you prepare for your career, helps you navigate challenges, and also helps you learn how to establish good habits.

Having a career is a very important, time-consuming part of life. It is what you do to live and survive. This is why people should take it seriously and get it figured out before it is too late. For example, knowing early what you want to do with your life allows you to prepare and help your career as soon as possible. It will allow you to take classes that you know you have an interest in, saving you time and money for college. Preparing for college and going to college also helps you with your communication skills which can help you with your future career as well. “Verbal and written communication skills are absolutely critical in college and throughout your career.” It helps you with both your career and college by learning how to communicate appropriately and correctly. But it is not just papers or essays that you have to have verbal and written communication skills for. It could be when “ you are sending a text, an email, writing a paper, or presenting” How and why you write to someone will affect their opinion of you. Which is why people need to have the ability to communicate properly. The way to do that is to prepare for college early

Early college preparations help you navigate life challenges. People in school usually focus on their grades and passing rather than looking at the bigger picture. “Sometimes students make the mistake of only focusing on academic readiness, but preparing early for college actually entails far more.” People believe that college readiness is only about filling out some papers and going on college tours. But it entails a lot more, being prepared gives you “Confidence, independence, and resiliency to navigate independent living, time management skills, goal-setting, creating a social life, and establishing good habits are all benefits of preparing early for this major life change.” Having those skills will help you be ready for college and even life. Time management is a skill used all day every day in daily life. It also allows you to be able to learn confidence and resilience not just in school settings but for challenging situations you will come across in your lifetime.

Getting prepared for college early doesn’t just help you with your career, it can help you navigate through challenges it also helps you establish good habits. Learning how to establish good habits won’t only help you prepare for college, but it will also help you succeed in college. “Knowing how and when to study is absolutely critical to prepare for college. Finding a time, place, and set routine for study habits will serve you well when you are on your own.” Not only will establishing good study habits help you in college, but it will also help you in the real world. An example of how it will help you is when you are living on your own and have to cook, clean, and maintain bills on your own. You will have to have good habits to live a good, happy life.

In conclusion, I believe that people should learn about different opportunities and prepare for the future before high school because it helps you prepare for your career, navigate through different challenges, and also establish good habits. Preparing early helps you get ready for college not just physically but mentally. Having good grades can get you into college which is for a lot of people is the only thing that matters but its not. The person has to want to go to college and have the readiness for not just the next couple years of their life but for the rest of their life.

Work Cited

“3 Key Benefits Of Starting College Prep Early | Army And Navy Academy.” Army and Navy Academy, Accessed 10 April 2024.

54/365 – Yet more study” by threefingeredlord is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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