TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The never ending lottery tickets

Where I work which is a convenient store there are many people who come in daily with tons of scratch tickets. There are many regulars that we see on a day to day basis I even know them all by name. There are a few however that will only come in to play the lottery these few are older guys that when they come in we have to have patience. They will come in with a fat stack of scratchers that they do not check with the self-check machine. So I get left there scanning every single ticket with a smile on my face while doing so and engaging in full conversation with them it is a wonderful talent I have gained while working there.

So now that you have a little more of an understanding on what I do on a daily basis I will tell you about what happened on a random day. I was on the cash-register like I am most nights and I had a new lady who I have defiantly seen before but she was very quick in and out of the store no big deal right? She had come up the the register and asked for two ticket’s a number one and a number two those two are both twenty-five dollar tickets. No problem I put the ticket’s on the counter and she hands me fifty dollars no big deal, she goes over to the dinning area and comes back with no tickets in her hand she said “welp no winners” and asks me for the same two numbers again I again hand her the tickets she gives me the money. This happens about two more times before it happens she came back with a winning ticket this one was a two-hundred and fifty dollar winner, which I am not normally allowed to cash but my boss let me she ended up giving me a fifty dollar tip.

This taught me how to be more patient because I was waiting kindly every time she left to the time she came back. Even after that day she request for me to pick her tickets she has become a new regular. I actually saw her the other day where she works and she told me how much she appreciated how patient I was and how one of my other co-workers was kind of rude to her so now she really only comes into to play lottery whenever I am there. So all and all I learned a valuable lesson that day I learned that good things can come to those who wait.

“Winning Lottery Ticket!” by jmoneyyyyyyy is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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