TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Dark Side Of The Internet

As a child growing up in the modern era, many can remember their first phones or tablets at a very young age. When young children have unrestricted access to the vast knowing internet, it puts into question as a parent whether or not you should look and see what your child is doing on the internet. Although some think it unfair to not give their children privacy. In reality, children’s unrestricted access to the internet leads to dangerous behavior. As seen through the rise of catfishing, pedophiles, and harmful internet content.

Internet access at such a young age can be fun for younger kids. Mobile games and video games often are a source of a young kid’s happiness. Parents often believe there is no harm in silly “kid’s games”. However, there often is a lot of older people playing the same games. Video games such as Fortnite, Rocket League, and even Minecraft utilize an open text or Microphone chat allowing everyone to chat freely. This has allowed the online presence of pedophiles to grow. Often using voice changers and fake accounts to make them sound and look younger than they do, taking advantage of the innocence of a young child. Which leads to luring them to meet. All of this could be avoided as long as you pay attention to your child’s internet habits.

Children who have unlimited internet access also often fall victim to harmful internet content. Some parents think that their child won’t be able to find anything harmful on the internet. But all it takes is one curious search and they are suddenly seeing things they shouldn’t be seeing. On the internet, violence is very prevalent. A few searches could lead to a child witnessing videos involving guns, blood, and fighting all topics young children should not be seeing. Young children are often known for searching up inappropriate things involving sexual topics, exposing them to pornography or other sexual sites. Which often leads to parents having to have the birds and bees talk a little too early.

It is vital as a parent to protect your children from harm. Limiting or watching over your child’s internet access will protect them from evil people and inappropriate content. The question isn’t about whether your children need privacy. But rather do you wish to keep them safe?

Featured Image; “iPad fascination” by rahego is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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