TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Life Happens

Life is unfair sometimes, you never know when the worst could happen, what to expect, and there’s nothing you can really do to prevent terrible things from happening. You could wake up one day, and it’ll be the day you meet your future spouse, it could be the day you or a loved one gets killed, or it could be the day that you get that promotion at work you have been waiting for. This world is very unpredictable, we can’t control it, we can’t see whats coming, and we can’t really prepare for it either. So why live our lives in fear? Go out and do things, the worst may happen, but it might not, you never know. And that is the reason this earth can be cruel, because it just throws things at us and expects us to handle it.

Let’s take the boston marathon bombing for example. People were jus trying to have fun and watch/participate in this race, and out of no where without any warning at all, them or their loved ones were either hurt or killed because of this terrorism attack. What were these people supposed to do? Not go to the race? Stay in their houses for safety and protection? The earth is cruel because at any moment in time, you could be the one experiencing these bad incidients we all always hear about. The earth is cruel because we either have to be cautious at all times and never leave the safety of our own homes, or we have to go out and have the risk of loosing our lives. We only have one life to live, and some people have that taken away from them way too early and at the worst times, given it is never a good time for bad things to happen.

This changes my thinking and perspective on life, because it makes me realize that there really isn’t anything we can do to control what terrible things happen, or who has to get hurt and who doesn’t, so it makes me want to just have fun, take the risks, go out and do fun things, because if something is going to happen to me, it might as well be while im doing what I like instead of sitting in fear.

People can learn from these situations that life is full of great things, but also full of terrible things, but you never know what will be coming your way at any given time, so appreciate everyhting you have, and make the most of every situation.

Photo by streamingmeemee (Tim Carter) on / CC BY-NC-ND


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1 Comment

  • mhilchey18
    February 14, 2018 at 11:32 am 

    This is a very inspiring post. I can’t imagine being in a situation even close to that. Realizing that we only have this life and that it’s not even that long can really change how you look at things but it’s sad that sometimes it takes something so bad and devastating to get people to wake up and realize it.

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