TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Golf, the Forever Sport

Golf…exciting right? Well probably not, for most people golf just raises thoughts of old people talking about other old people hitting a ball in a big field. Which does not create that great of a vision of this sport for any newcomers. This is why I believe golf has trouble getting introduced to new crowds. Any person who has been introduced to the sport by perhaps their parent or grandparent. This is basically the only way to be comfortably introduced to golf, you have to play for the first time when you are young and not going to be embarrassed about you inevitably bad score. Any other way to be introduced is very rough because once you have developed your pride it is very tough just to accept the fact that you won’t be good the first time you try it. However I invite everyone to try it now while you are still young and willing to try new things. I promise it will almost be fun, then the next time you will have the time of your life for the first hole. The next time you’ll have fun for two holes and so on. Eventually it becomes an addiction where you constantly fight yourself in a positive way and when you are not fighting yourself you will wish were. Why not go out and play now, it’s not the most expensive of addictions and it’s certainly the healthiest addiction you can have.

Playing golf would not only help you by introducing you to a new form of fun but it will keep the sport alive. Currently it is a struggle to get new people playing this great sport and the current crowd can’t exactly sticking around for too much longer. Playing Golf could save the sport for future generations, nobody would mind golf sticking around, it doesn’t bother the public like other sports can. Letting the sport live on also means you could have something to do when you get older and can’t exactly knock over a 200 pound running back anymore. Just imagine doing something you love and being able to do it for the rest of your long life ahead. Why not start playing now?

Featured Image:“Golf” by David @Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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